About the Organisation - Derbyshire Addictions Advice Service
Through Derbyshire Recovery Partnership we offer a range of counselling, 1 to 1 support, recovery activities and advice for those affected and professionals making a referral. In addition we also offer support to adults affected by someone else’s drinking.

About the Project - Family Interventions Support
Support in recovery for families affected by substance use.
When someone you are close to has a substance use or alcohol problem the chances are that you will also be affected. Often “affected others” feel helpless, they take on responsibility for the alcohol /substance user, and can feel isolated, guilty, and unsupported. Many affected others, suffer from depression and anxiety because of the emotional, financial, and social impact on the family and the breakdown of valued relationships.
When a loved one is seeking treatment or they are in recovery, the problems that have affected you don’t just go away, and you are often left with the aftermath of wondering how to cope, feeling a continued lack of trust, fearing relapse and wondering how to mend broken family relationships. That is where our Family Interventions Worker may be able to help.
The support will be provided by someone who has experience of living with someone with substance use or alcohol issues and who understands what you might be experiencing.
The initial support is provided on a 1:1 basis by phone, with the opportunity to access additional group support work provided online across Derbyshire.
As well as offering a listening ear, we will provide information about addiction problems, other services and support, peer support contacts, and a fast-track referral into our specialist CRAFT© BACP accredited structured counselling.
Our CRAFT programme and group work (Community Re-enforcement And Family Therapy) can be offered in person – subject to counsellor availability but can also be offered online or 1:1 by phone.

How To Access
Find out more about our support for affected others by using our website link below and complete an online contact form.
You are not alone, and support is available. Contact us now.
Family Interventions Support - Derbyshire Addictions Advice Service (daas.uk.com)
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