Pathways of Chesterfield - Art Exhibition and Silent Auction

On the 2nd of December, Pathways of Chesterfield held its first Art Exhibition and Silent Auction. The art was created in social groups by the people who access the service. These groups are a huge asset to Pathways, as attendees have built a supportive community and often refer to it as being like a family. It is a pleasure to see people grow in confidence, push themselves out of their comfort zones, and support each other.

Pathways of Chesterfield is a service for the homeless, and those at risk of homelessness, in Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire, and Bolsover. In this line of work, people are often asked about their needs and what will help them, which is important. However, when these are the main or only questions asked, it can impact self-esteem.

The Pathways Art Exhibition and Silent Auction aimed to showcase the amazing talent and creativity of these individuals, rather than focusing on their support needs. The goal was to highlight the brilliant skills these artists have to offer.

The event featured an exhibition of artwork created in the activity groups, including both individual and group pieces, many of which were available in the auction. All proceeds from the auction were put back into the charity to continue supporting more people.

At the event, there were canapés and mocktails designed by the groups, and attendees had the chance to hear about individuals' journeys. Many of the artists were present to share a bit about themselves and their work. Check out the photos from the showcase to see the incredible artwork and the vibrant atmosphere of the event!


About the Project - Pathways to Recovery

Throughout its work, Pathways supports people at all different stages of their recovery journey. The aim is to offer more to help people start their journey and make it more possible. Trying to make changes is always daunting, and even more so if you are homeless.

No matter where someone is in their recovery journey, there is something in the Pathways to Recovery project for them:

Route 1 - For those struggling with drug or alcohol use and unsure if they are ready to make changes or even how to, Pathways offers a recovery group in partnership with Derbyshire Recovery Partnership (DRP). This informal group looks at substances, giving participants the chance to understand different substances, explore what keeps them using, and learn how to keep themselves safe with no pressure.

Route 2 -For those finding it hard to move away from drugs and alcohol and unsure what to do with their time, Pathways offers various activities, including music, art, allotment, restoring furniture, games group, and a women’s only group.

Route 3 -For those who have already made changes to their drug or alcohol use and want to take another step forward, Pathways offers a peer mentoring scheme. This course, run in conjunction with Pathways and Intuitive Thinking, helps participants develop skills to support others with their recovery journey.

For more information, please contact Pathways at or call 01246 498204.

If you want to make a referral, please send it to or call 01246 498204.


Tenth DDN service user conference

One Life, mixed stark reflections on drug-related deaths & budget cuts with powerful exhortations to make sure the service user voice was properly heard.

DDN March 2017

'One of the strongest messages was a simple one: isolation kills’

Hepatitis C in the UK

The most recent national estimates suggest that around 214,000 individuals are chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the UK; 160,000 of these are in England

Tenth DDN service user conference

One Life, mixed stark reflections on drug-related deaths & budget cuts with powerful exhortations to make sure the service user voice was properly heard.

The Enhanced Skills Practice Course

This course is provided by Derbyshire Addictions Advice Service (DAAS) which is Derbyshire’s specialist Substance Use training provider.

What You’ll Gain
•    Enhanced alcohol and substance awareness
•    Lots of activities to practice the skills to support someone is treatment
•    A space to gain a deeper level of understanding
•    Opportunities to put the theory into practice
•    A space for peer support and shared learning from experience

Course Requirements
•    Completed the DACES Level 1 qualification in Substance Misuse
•    Have lived/ living experience of drugs and alcohol
•    Live in Derbyshire
•    Have a desire to have a career within the substance use sector
•    Be willing to volunteer/ have a volunteer placement 
•    Able to attend all the dates over 2 separate weeks

Course Dates and Times - STARTING SOON!!
When? 10am-1pm each day on:
Tuesday 4th, Wednesday 5th and 6th March 2025 (Week 1)
Tuesday 18th , Wednesday 19th, Thursday 20th and Friday 21st March 2025 (Week 2) ,

Where? Online - Over MS teams

Who? Derbyshire Addictions Advice Service, your tutor will be Olivia, You must register your interest and you can do this by contacting Oliva at 

Check out the poster below,
Interested in the Level 1 or the Enhanced Skills Practise Course, meet your tutor Oliva at one of the Peer Support Groups to informally find out more: 

Friday 28th Feb, 10am-11:30am

Friday 28th March, 3:30pm-5pm

Friday 25th April, 10am-11:30am

Friday 30th May, 3:30pm-5pm

Friday 27th June, 10am-11:30am

Join us on MS Teams - Lived Experience Career Pathway Support Groups Meeting Link.

You can also contact us at for further information on the Lived Experience Career Pathway.


The Growing Recovery in Derbyshire (GRID) website is designed to be a Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services gateway allowing anyone to find up to date information on drug and alcohol treatment services, recovery opportunities, mental health support and other useful services throughout Derbyshire.

We hope you find the information here interesting and useful as you travel along your own road to recovery.


If you need more information, please don't hesitate to contact us, we are here to help. If you have a simple question, we may have the answer for you in our FAQs.